I really enjoyed working with processing and seeing all the amazing things that can be done with it on the exhibition section of the processing site. It really is a great tool and a good introduction to coding for someone like me who had never done anything like this before...
We started off in class learning the basics, how to draw a shape, colour it, make it move, bounce etc...

At the time I found it difficult enough to get Processing to do even the simplest of tasks, however with practice and persistance (and a lot of referring to my notes) I became more comefortable with the program.

I was struggling to come up with an idea for a while, until one evening I was messing around on the internet, looking at random pages and I came across a procedural darwing too called "Harmony" by Mr Doob...

I was instantly captivated by the simple beauty of it, and before I knew it I had been drawing for a good hour.

Here is the link to the website:

I decided that I wanted to try and create a procedural drawing tool. Obviously mine would have to be a bit more simple, given the time constraints and my limited knowledge and experience with coding.

I managed to find a few other procedural drawing tools for more inspiration and one I found was on openprocessing.

I decided to use some of the code from a sketch called

The piece of code I used was :
Harmony by Mr Doob
Generative Brushes
PVector d = new PVector(mouseX,mouseY);

for (int p=0; p<history.size(); p++){
PVector v = (PVector) history.get(p);
float joinchance = p/history.size() + d.dist(v)/distthresh;
if (joinchance < random(0.4)) line(d.x,d.y,v.x,v.y);